Naszymi produktami są receptury, związane z projektowaniem innowacyjnych leków oraz metod leczenia onko-kardiologicznego.

Obecnie, naszym nowym projektem, jako ustawioną firmą w branży medycznej, jest HDH1.



Our unofficial start+up medical firm,  Aniela Medical Systems, categorized on the major list of pharmaceutical and medical business list, is one of the major health concerns.

We are working in a B2B international health system, providing excellent leading solutions.

We are conducting innovative anti-cancer and tumor, as well as nano-antibiotics drug developments, using specifically designed algorythms, including HEH1 or HED1.

Recently, we are developing and testing on new treatment procedures.

For example, Our ,,Anti-cancer hypothesis project” (All Rights reserved.), we are trying to introduce to many clinical trials at many medical institutions, however, beside interest, most of them reject Our international collaboration.

Our Department of Experimental Medicine, before introducing them into clinical trails, is developing new techniques of treating specific diseases, includring brain, breast,  intestine, lungs and liver cancer. )For more information, please contact Our specialist, Marek Spiewak, at .

Our Laboratory tests are also being conducted legally on plants (Algaes or Yeasts)  and animals ( fish, birds, bees, cats, and dogs). Perphars viruses cause cancer in lower Animals, and also good Bacterias and Algaes. We also know that mitochondrium has his own DNA, so do lymphatic cells of blood.)

Of August 26, 20015, we are R/D on neurons deficiency , to sustain a sick patient recovalescency.  (hdh1)

We are thinking about opening a new line of treatment procedures, relating with MS, Leukemia and Alzheimer’s and Parkinson unfunctions, but that depends on stipends, investors and bank rates.

The new ,,ANTI-CANCER” hypothesis, created by Designer and Independent Biotech Scientist, Marek Spiewak,  is a new and revolutionary way of treating major cancer diseases without using side-effecting drugs in a chemotherapy combination. This is a new versiom of cancer traetment, using induced chromosomes polarity, (All Rights reserved.)

“Radio waves cause cancer, especially tumor.”- said Marek Spiewak of Aniela Medical Systems, talking about air-noise pollution.

If you would like to support Our Research and Development medical projects,  please make a donation.

Bank account No:   88 1160 2202 0000 0002 6349 0893


Thank you very much.

Marek Spiewak,

Aniela Medical Systems

Designer, Independent Biotech Scientist

Cracow, Poland

Please write to